Save With Super Longs
A premium fry that can save you money. That’s exactly what Super Longs are. We recently ran several tests to compare our 9.5mm Super Longs fries with three well-known competing brands to show that longer fries will positively impact upon your bottom line by saving you a considerable sum of money.
The basis of our tests was to show that by using longer fries, you need less to fill a portion, meaning that every bag of fries you use, the more portions you get from it.
The results have been staggering and if you were to sell 200 cases of fries per month, you could save over £7,800 per year because of Super Longs superior portion yield
Our testing methods
We undertook a series of tests to breakdown chip lengths within an average portion and also looked at the visual appearance of a small (80g) and large (150g) portion of fries. The most important test focused on filling 6"x4" paper bags with each brand of fries and weighing the fries used to fill the portion. This figure, when factoring in the cooking yield drop of each brand, enabled us to calculate the number of portions each brand of chips provided per bag and case.
Test results

The figures show that by switching to Aviko's Super Longs you could reduce the number of cases of fries needed to service customers by between 20 and 27 percent. Taking the worst performing brand, if you were to use 200 cases of their product and then switched to Super Longs, you'd only need 146 cases to fulfil the same number of portions saving you the cost of 54 cases!
Switch to Super Longs today…
Switch to Super Longs today to save money, delight customers with longer fries and enjoy the consistent and brilliant quality that Aviko are renowned for.